Several investors choose to take over Roberto Cavalli Roberto Cavalli has at least 5 offers to take over the company.
Italian luxury brand Roberto Cavalli confirmed last week that there are at least five major investors interested in taking over. Without revealing the name of any of them, the Italian house recognized that the idea is to rescue the brand.
These days, the board is evaluating the different options together with the main shareholder, Clessidra. They reported that the decision is vital for the continuity of the luxury firm and will carefully evaluate the options in order for the brand to be re-founded to ensure its continuity.
It was Clessidra, precisely, who took almost all of the firm 4 years ago. The intention of returning to the brand past successes has not been possible and it needs external help again. Despite the image washing and changes in the design direction and CEO, the Italian house has not been able to lift the flight. Not even the hiring of Rothschild seems to have been sufficient for this purpose in the search for new investors.
In any case, the final decision of which group will be responsible for the signature, falls on the court, since, this, it gave creditor protection to the brand, back in April of this year, when the problems began. This gives four months to submit a new plan and the time is fulfilled.
We wish all the luck to the Italian firm in its new journey that, surely, will be possible finally with the achievement of the new investor.
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